NANOPOWERTECH Industrial company

Heat Transfer Oil


ZENQ HEAT TRANSFER OIL is for industrial applications such as process industry, chemical plants, textile producers etc. and in household equipment such as oil filled radiators. ZENQ HEAT TRANSFER OIL T1 can be used in high temperature continuous heat transfer equipment with the following application limits:

  • Open systems operating at temperature : up to 200˚C.
  • Max. Film temperature : 340 °C
  • Max. Bulk temperature : 320 °C

For long, trouble-free service in closed systems, the maximum film temperature on the heater surfaces should be limited to 340˚C. Systems must have forced circulation of the heat transfer fluid.

  • Product Features
    • Maximum energy efficiency : Excellent heat transfer properties enable easy circulation and efficient transfer of heat.
    • Resists deposit formation : Outstanding oxidation and thermal stability resists formation of sludges and coke deposits, providing long oil service life.
    • Rapid response at start-up : Low temperature flow characteristics allow prompt circulation.
    • Economical low pressure operation : Low vapor pressure at elevated temperatures minimizes evaporation, vapor lock and pump cavitation, allowing efficient operation at lower system pressures, avoiding the need for expensive high pressure high pressure piping and heat exchangers.
Representative Properties
SAE Viscosity ISO VG32 ISO VG46 ISO VG100
Density(gr/cm3) @ 15˚C 0.861 0.867 0.877
Kinematic Viscosity(mm2/s, cSt) @ 100˚C 5.47 7.1/td> 12.1
Kinematic Viscosity(mm2/s, cSt) @ 40˚C 31.4 46.8 102.6
Viscosity Index 110 110 109
Pour Point (˚C) -15 -15 -15
Flash Point (˚C) 220 239 259


ZENQ HEAT TRANSFER OIL is for industrial applications such as process industry, chemical plants, textile producers etc. and in household equipment such as oil filled radiators. ZENQ HEAT TRANSFER OIL can be used in high temperature continuous heat transfer equipment with the following application limits:

  • Open systems operating at temperature : up to 200˚C.
  • Max. Film temperature : 340 °C
  • Max. Bulk temperature : 320 °C

For long, trouble-free service in closed systems, the maximum film temperature on the heater surfaces should be limited to 340˚C. Systems must have forced circulation of the heat transfer fluid.

  • Product Features
    • Maximum energy efficiency : Excellent heat transfer properties enable easy circulation and efficient transfer of heat.
    • Resists deposit formation : Outstanding oxidation and thermal stability resists formation of sludges and coke deposits, providing long oil service life.
    • Rapid response at start-up : Low temperature flow characteristics allow prompt circulation.
    • Economical low pressure operation : Low vapor pressure at elevated temperatures minimizes evaporation, vapor lock and pump cavitation, allowing efficient operation at lower system pressures, avoiding the need for expensive high pressure high pressure piping and heat exchangers.
Representative Properties
SAE Viscosity ISO VG32 ISO VG46
Density(gr/cm3) @ 15˚C 0.842 0.85
Kinematic Viscosity(mm2/s, cSt) @ 100˚C 5.91 7.9
Kinematic Viscosity(mm2/s, cSt) @ 40˚C 32.9 47
Viscosity Index 125 128
Pour Point (˚C) -15 -12
Flash Point (˚C) 237 255